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Hello everybody,
welcome back from holiday and especially

welcome on, the new MakerZONE online store.

We were working for a while ‘and finally … the launch time has come!

Often it happens that some changes can destabilize, but no worries. The people who have already had the opportunity to take a ride on, have noticed it: nothing radically changed. We purposely chose to maintain the same setting, the same graphics and, above all, the same organization of the products.

So wich kind of news?
First of all we added several features that, combined with increased speed of navigation, will make the research and purchase procedures faster and leaner. We also further raised the level of security on all transactions.
Then we expanded the product categories. In addition to 3D printing, pins production and GadGeek, in fact you can find a wider and more complete section dedicated to electronics, and other two categories of products that will be active soon: PMMA for laser cutting and mechanical.
Last but not least: the two languages. Finally MakerZONE is both in Italian and English to let us across the boundaries of our country and land in Europe. If you are on the wrong language, you can change it with a simple click on the appropriate black button that you can find on all pages in the upper right.

For any problems with your account or for any other needs, please email us ( and we’ll support you in short time.
Finally sorry in advance for possible temporary bugs. We would be grateful if you’ll notify us them so we can further improve our e commerce.

Thanks for your attention and good at all!

MakerZONE staff

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